
Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
Soil science; Soil tillage; Precision farming; Crops and crop rotations; Agricultural technology; Agricultural machinery and equipment; Remote control and remote sensing systems; Irrigation management; Vegetable crop systems; Greenhouse and open field productions; Ornamental plants, design and landscape architecture; Vine, wine and winemaking; Biomass valorization; Beneficial microorganisms; Weed, pest and disease control; Plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology; Water quality; Carbon sequestration; Agricultural and Environmental Economics

Food Sciences
Food technology; Agro-food biotechnologies; Food processing and packaging; Food quality control; Food safety management; Microorganisms in food microbiology; Microbial contamination in food industry

Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Animal genetics and breeding; Animal nutrition and feeding; Animal behaviour and welfare; Livestock production and management; Physiology and reproduction; Veterinary clinical sciences; Epidemiology, pathology and pharmacology; Veterinary diagnostics and radiology

Environmental Management
Water resources management; Climate change impacts, adaption and mitigation measures; Hazards resulting from hydrological extremes (flood/drought) and risk management; Planning and management of watershed; Sustainable land-use in the river basins; Land degradation and restoration assessment; Waste management; Circular economy; Life cycle sustainability assessment; Urban green technologies; Water resource and wastewater treatment