About the journal

Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment (ALSE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal on Agricultural, Horticultural and Animal Sciences, Food Sciences, Veterinary Medicine and Environmental Management in the field of Applied Life Sciences, published quarterly online and in print by “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS).
Submitting your manuscript
Manuscripts should be sent online on the ScholarOne Manuscript.
To submit your manuscript, register and log in to the submission website and then follow the seven-steps required until the submission is complete.
The Ethical Declarations of the Authors (EDA) signed by all authors will be uploaded along with the manuscript.
Manuscripts received to the editorial office are checked according to Instructions for Authors requirements in terms of suitability to the topic of the journal, scientific content, compliance with ethical criteria, and the percentage of overlaps.
Eligible articles are submitted to a single-blind peer-review process. As a rule, the final decision on the evaluation of the manuscript is communicated to the authors within 30 days of submission.
Studies involving human participants must provide the Patient informed consent.
Studies Involving Animals must provide the ARRIVE Essential 10: Compliance Questionnaire.
Open Access
No subscription fees are charged to readers as long as the original publication is cited.
High visibility
indexed within DOAJ, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, AGRIS, EBSCO, FTSA, J-GATE, CABI and other databases
No fees
Currently, no fees are charged for manuscript processing (APCs).
Recognition of reviewers
Reviewer can opt in to receive recognition on Web of Science.